Saturday, December 10, 2005

Poverty & Disability in Delhi

The initial impression is that poverty and disability seem to go hand in hand here.

And no doubt it does.

However, the closer one looks, the more clear it becomes that the line between the poverty stricken 'street people' and the street as a way of life is a blurry one.

In the Western world, we are used to a clearly defined distinction between those who have fallen from grace, either by misfortune or misadventure, and those of us who will probably (hopefully) never know such experiences. But in the 'majority world', this line is fuzzy to say the least.

Here in the bustling city of Delhi, people seem to go about their life, doing the normal everyday things we all do, (the things we tend to do behind closed doors and under protecting roofs), they do on the street and in the midst of everyone else.





hang out...



raise families...

grow up...

and die.

A tough life by any standard, full of danger and opportunity, compromise and desperation I'm sure. A life lived by the largely uncounted millions.


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